We Buy Sterling Silver Flatware
King’s Ransom buys ALL sterling silver flatware!! Your sterling set may be worth more than you think depending on the weight and pattern style. Look for the word “sterling” on the items, if you see that, you are guaranteed to get an offer on it. Sometimes foreign-made items could be marked “800” or “900”, noting a purity of 80% or 90%. If you are unsure if your items are made of solid silver, stop in our Saint Paul location and we will be able to test your items for authenticity.
We Buy Dental Gold
It may sound funny, but King’s Ransom wants your old teeth!! Well, your gold ones that is. We ask that you try and remove all tooth material from the gold for sanitary issues. If you are unable to, we can estimate the gold purity content and weigh based on how it looks and we will still make an offer. Dental gold can be anywhere from 8 karat to 18 karat, some people are surprised at how much their old teeth are worth!!
King’s Ransom buys precious metals in ALL forms!! If you have industrial precious metals, odd-ball items, or anything you are just curious about, stop by our Saint Paul location and one of our friendly staff members or owners will be glad to test your items and make you a cash offer.